RENOWNED filmmaker Marc Mandisoul is set to release an action-packed drama series, House of Stone, in September this year in a bid to change the face of the film industry in the country.


Mandisoul said they have introduced a number of innovations to enhance the quality of local productions.

“We are making final touches for the release of our action packed drama series, House of stones, to be released in September and it will have 13 episodes.

“For this one, we are focusing on Zimbabwe, so we will have Zimbabwean actors, but on the following series we will include actors from other countries,” he said.

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“This drama series will be first of its kind in Zimbabwe (as we try) to change the face of film industry in Zimbabwe because we are used to soaps. But this time around there will be a difference as we are targeting at many things and chief among them to improve our production so that our movies are at par with international productions.”

Mandisoul emphasised the need for the local industry to look into production value in order to meet international standards.

“This is our first drama series and there are a lot of things that we are targeting to improve and these include production budget and production value in order to meet international standards. We are using 4K cameras which have good quality for visuals to meet the standards of global movies. Our movies may have good storylines, but lack production value, which is considered at global awards, so we need to work on that,” he said.

The filmmaker is currently working on cost and packaging so that the series is in the class of international productions such as Empire, Power and How To Get Away with Murder.”

His other project State of Malambia will be screened on TelOne DEOD in the next few weeks.

“House of Stone Series will have a huge impact because it’s targeted at a global audience in terms of broadcast platform and we are shooting it in 4k format to meet all international broadcast standards. This is my biggest project yet,” the filmmaker added.