NORTON MP Temba Mliswa (Independent) yesterday raised a matter of privilege with Speaker of the National Assembly, Jacob Mudenda, over the recent importation of a US$250 000 Lamborghini vehicle by Gokwe Nembudziya MP Justice Mayor Wadyajena.
Although it was a private acquisition, Mliswa wanted to know whether Wadyajena managed to import his luxurious vehicle using tax rebates enjoyed by legislators.
“While MPs enjoy tax rebates on vehicles, it is important to understand what kind of vehicles MPs are entitled to,” Mliswa said.
“Are MPs entitled to vehicles that can get to their constituencies and not Lamborghinis, because a Lamborghini doesn’t get to rural constituencies? The public are now asking questions about the vehicle and your guidance, Mr Speaker, is sought on the types of vehicles we must get as MPs,” he said.
This did not augur well with Wadyajena who shouted back at Mliswa, saying: “You are an embarrassment. Why are you so jealous?”
Mudenda then ruled that if Mliswa needed clarity on which type of vehicles MPs could import on tax rebates, then he should approach Parliament administration to get guidance.
In an unrelated issue, Buhera South MP Joseph Chinotimba asked the Speaker to send a delegation of 10 opposition MPs and 10 ruling party MPs to South Africa to compare prices.
Chinotimba claimed that goods were generally cheaper in Zimbabwe than in South Africa, saying the only problem was workers’ poor salaries.
“Our diesel at ZWL$5,07 is cheaper than in South Africa where diesel costs R16 per litre. It means our diesel is cheaper by far and people outside the country are coming to buy our fuel.A loaf of bread in South Africa costs R15, while ours costs ZWL$3. What I have noticed is that our salaries are low and are being rated at 1:1 to the United States dollar,” Chinotimba said.