THE Defence ministry has ordered employees accused of swindling the ministry of US$306 135 in a bogus cleaning service deal to report for work or they will cease to receive their salaries after indicating there was no disciplinary hearing against them.
Peter Muchakadzi (55)a director and Kunofiwa Marvyn Madondo (58) an accountant, were appearing before magistrate Hosea Mujaya yesterday when their lawyer Savious Kufandada filed the letter revealing that the ministry was not party to the criminal charges during application for relaxation of bail conditions.
“My client’s employer is saying that he should come back to work and says that he was not involved in the criminal allegations before you. The letter also confirmed that no disciplinary hearing would be taken against the duo because they had not committed the offence alleged,” Kufandada said.
“They are saying that if he does not report to work they will invoke section 64 of SI 1 of 2000 and cease his salary. They have found no basis to institute disciplinary action against him.”
Magistrate Mujaya removed the bail conditions that restricted Muchakadzi and Madondo from visiting their workplace.