WOMEN Leadership Networks (WALANs) in Manicaland province organised two intergenerational coaching and mentorship sessions in Mutasa and Nyanga on October 31 and November 1, 2019, respectively.


WALANs are women community-based leadership support structures, which were set up by Women’s Academy for Leadership and Political Excellence (Walpe) and Africa Women initiative for Development Economies (AWIDE) as part of capacitating women at local levels.

The sessions brought together aspiring women leaders and current business women and leaders.

The exciting platforms, which were attended by 100 participants, created opportunities for the women to exchange ideas and strategies on how to be effective leaders and role models.

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Young women were grateful for the opportunity to learn from those who have walked the journey before them.

Those who intend to run for public office got to learn strategies to run an effective campaign from female councillors. And those who want to make it in the business world got tips from successful businesswomen, who have made it in the male-dominated arena.

The intergenerational dialogues shall continue every month as these women would meet and discuss various pertinent issues affecting them as women.

It was also encouraging to note that since the start of the programme, seven women who had been trained by the consortium on transformational leadership and social entrepreneurship have already taken up community leadership positions in their areas.

Patricia Mangemba of Mutasa, who went through the two trainings was, on October 30, nominated to be a member of the ward development committee.

Using the skills and knowledge acquired during the trainings, Patricia was supported and elected by fellow WALANs members, who received the same training with her.

This shows that if women are equipped with knowledge and information, their voices would be amplified and they can to take up leadership positions and be part of the decision making processes within their communities.

Walpe and AWIDE aim to have more economically empowered women taking up leadership by 2023.