THE European Union (EU) has donated an additional US$60 million under its National Indicative Programme which is meant to support the health sector.

The programme outlines the main focal sectors of the EU co-operation with the country during the period 2014-2020 under the 11th European Development Fund.

In a statement, EU ambassador Timo Olkkonen said part of the funds would specifically support the public health service delivery and the other half would be used to assist vulnerable communities.

”US$43 million will support public health service delivery by strengthening primary care systems, capacitating human resources for health and enhancing community participation while US$18 million will support households and communities in vulnerable situations across the country by increasing their capacities to respond to food and nutrition security shocks,” he said.

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“With this top up, the European Union increases its support to the Zimbabwean population, which now reaches US$320 million under the National Indicative Programme for the period 2014-2020. This assistance comes at a critical time to support the people, who are facing difficult socio-economic times.”

The programme will focus on health, agriculture-based economic development, as well as governance and institution building.