Home Politics MDC Alliance to shut down Zimbabwe

MDC Alliance to shut down Zimbabwe

Staff Reporter – The Zimbabwe Daily

Harare, Zimbabwe – The MDC Alliance’s national Youth Assembly spokesperson, Stephen Chuma has vowed to shut down the country come the 31st of this month.

Last week, during a webinar, Nelson Chamisa, the MDC Alliance leader promised a nationwide demo against the rule of the country’s President, Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Although the police hasn’t yet given the MDC Alliance the green light to go ahead with their nationwide demo, plans are already at an advanced level.

“31 July is certainly going to mark the end of Emmerson Mnangagwa’s short but brutal dictatorship.

In his short spell as the President albeit through stealing elections, Mnangagwa has presided over untold suffering, repression and oppression that has never been witnessed before in this land.

It was under Mnangagwa when we first witnessed senseless butchering with live ammunition of defenseless citizens by rogue soldiers.

Moreso, it is by no coincidence that the people are going to take to the streets a day before the anniversary of the 1 August military killings.

The blood of those martyrs is crying for justice and the biggest form of justice those innocent civilians can ever have is removal of the man who deployed the military on the day in question.

That man is none other than Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, the people are going to stop at nothing to make sure he is gone.

Nothing, nothing and I repeat nothing at all is going to save this man whose corrupt and murderous regime is responsible for the worst economic crisis since the lapse of the GNU.

It is only under Mnangagwa’s watch that we have witnessed a sharp increase abductions of civil society leaders, trade unionists and political activists.

From Tatenda Mombeyarara to Cecilia Chimbiri, Netsai Marova and Joanna Mamombe, the growing list of abductees is inexhaustible.

In his fake new dispensation, Mnangagwa did set a new for every wrong reason. Citizens recall with anger and aghast the shock events of January 2019 where a sizeable number was raped and killed.

For the first time post independence, we witnessed a total blackout of internet connectivity in January 2019.

It is under Mnangagwa that a new phenomenon called catch and release mushroomed to habour corrupt cabinet criminals like his clansman Obadiah Moyo.

The season of people power is ripe and time to take stalk is now, not even the abuse of COVID-19 lockdown is going to save Mnangagwa from protests.

We, the citizens have run out of patience and we just can not afford another day with Emmerson Mnangagwa as the President.

31 July must be the last straw for Mnangagwa, let us do it for ourselves and future generations,” said Chuma.



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