Home News Njama 2019 guest of honour Al‐Amin Yusuph

Njama 2019 guest of honour Al‐Amin Yusuph

news reporter

Al-AMIN YUSUPH is an information management professional with more than 20 years experience in knowledge and information management, media development and use of new media for development accumulated at national and international levels.

Yusuph has also been involved in several election support programmes through the media and rural communication for development programmes.

Some of his notable projects include the rolling out of automated library systems with the British Council; the establishment of the Seychelles Media Commission, Zanzibar Journalism Training Institute and the Unesco-Samsung Digital Village in the Serengeti.

Yusuph worked in the print media in 1997 before proceeding with his graduate education with the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, where he graduated in 2000.

He then proceeded to work with the British Council and thereafter joined Unesco.

He was one of the founding members of the Management Forum, which had chapters in several countries in East and West Africa, the Community Media Network in Tanzania and the East African Community Media Network as well as one of the founding advisory board members of the revamped Tanzania Media Foundation.

International organisations he worked for include the British Council, where he worked for eight years as knowledge and learning centre manager and a member of the East and West Africa regional leadership team.

As a member of the East and West African regional leadership team, Yusuph was involved in peer reviews of British Council operations in Sierra Leone and Ethiopia.

He also worked briefly with the Canadian International Development Aid Tanzania in 2004, where he consulted on information management.

Yusuph worked for Unesco from November 2006 up to 2012 covering Tanzania, Seychelles, Madagascar, Mauritius and Comoros.

From 2012 to 2015, he was the programme specialist for communication and information at the Unesco office in Dar es Salaam.

In 2015, he joined the Unesco New Delhi, India office as regional adviser for communication and information for South Asia (covering Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka) before relocating to Harare in April 2019 as regional adviser for communication and information for Southern Africa.

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