Home News C-TRADE at one year

C-TRADE at one year

C-TRADE is focused on creating convenience and increasing participation and activity on the stock market.

It gives an opportunity to the Zimbabwean citizenry to save, invest and earn through investments on the stock markets.

Since its launch a year ago, C-TRADE has been working towards ensuring seamless interaction for investors through further enhancements to the product that was launched.

Within the year C-TRADE has made quite a number of enhancements enabling access and convenience.

For people with busy schedules who cannot afford to be constantly looking out for changes in the share prices to make quick decisions C-TRADE has added another feature; Auto Trading.

This feature allows an investor to instruct the platform to trade on their behalf once the price reaches a certain low if it’s a buy, or a certain high if it’s a sell.

Now an investor can travel knowing that they will not miss out on any opportunities.

Auto trading can be accessed on the same C-TRADE account that an investor currently uses. The only requirement is for the account to be pre-funded with the funds sufficient to meet the set orders.

This funding can be from one’s mobile wallet or bank account.

Auto Trading is available for counters that are trading both on the Financial Securities Exchange (FINSEC) as well as on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange.

It comes with a real time notification service where if the pre-set high/low prices are reached, the investor is notified consequently, as the trade (buy/sell) is executed through an e-mailed deal advise slip.

There are also notifications for deals that would have failed to go through in instances such as when the investor’s account does not have sufficient funds.

C-TRADE has also introduced investment clubs which are aimed at bringing the traditional cooperative clubs to the stock market and enhance financial inclusion.

While co-operative clubs are well known for promoting savings, they have lagged in encouraging investing to earn more from the saved funds.

This is where the C-TRADE investment club platform comes in. By dialing *727# across all mobile platforms and selecting option 8 a group of people can form a club, pool funds and start investing and earning from shares.

There is the potential that the synergy of investment clubs can translate into higher returns than one may not achieve on their own.

Through trading of securities in groups, C-TRADE aims to help individuals grow their wealth and increase income at the push of a button as all this is done electronically.

Investment clubs generally have more buying power as opposed to the case with individual investments thus more shares can be purchased which in turn increases the chance of getting quicker matches and hence, increasing investor satisfaction and in turn confidence in the capital market ecosystem.

Financial education is an important cog for promoting financial technology and within its first year of operation C-TRADE held an inaugural investor day conference.

This conference was a way of encouraging dialogue and interaction amongst capital market participants, policymakers and investors hence bridging the financial literacy gap that has existed for a long time.

The C-TRADE investor day conference was meant to foster interactions on unlocking economic value through capital markets.

Over 300 delegates comprising market intermediaries, government and regulatory bodies, institutional and retail investors and potential investors converged to participate at the conference through presentations, panel discussions and question and answer sessions.

C-TRADE also added Newsfeeds where one can read about the latest capital markets news within the C-TRADE platform. This is meant to assist investors to get more information and make informed decisions as they invest.

C-TRADE remains committed to providing enhanced solutions for broadening capital markets participation by all eligible investors including local and diaspora as well as solidifying the role that capital markets play in a growing economy like ours. As Eleanor
Roosevelt aptly puts it, “We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down.”



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